Armstrong School District Home

Superintendent's Message

Strong schools are a reflection of strong communities. As an Armstrong County native, I am proud and privileged to serve this area. Our ultimate mission is to graduate responsible, morally centered young people who are prepared educationally and socially to achieve success. 

News & Notes


Employment Opportunity

The Armstrong School District is currently seeking an Executive Assistant/Board Secretary to support the Superintendent and the Board of School Directors in the Armstrong School District.

This position serves as an Executive Administrative Assistant handling confidential records, assisting with board-related activities, and ensuring compliance with all district policies in a professional, confidential manner.

ARTS- Armstrong's Remarkably Talented Students

Mark your calendars for this District Wide event!!
Saturday, May 3, 2025
4:00 pm-7:30 pm

If you're attending the event, the Armstrong School District Foundation and Inspired Hearts and Hands will have food collection boxes at both entrances. Please consider bringing an unexpired, non-perishable food item to donate. Your contributions will directly support the community and help those in need.
Here are some ideas of what to donate:
-Mac & Cheese
-Cereal/Easy Breakfast items
-Peanut Butter & Jelly
-Pasta & Sauce
-Canned Chicken & Tuna
-Canned Soups/Ramen Noodles
-Canned Vegetables
-Canned Fruit/Applesauce
-Instant Stuffing
-Mashed Potatoes, Scalloped Potatoes